It’s been an exceptionally busy few months since we last met in May 2023.
The great news is that we have been awarded an initial £476,000 by the Welsh Government under the Health and Social Care Integration and Rebalancing Capital Fund (IRCF) towards the multi-million pound redevelopment of Maesteg Community Hospital.
This funding, which is recognition of the scale of the redevelopment and is in line with other such projects across Wales, will allow us to complete the first two (of three) business cases over the next year. This includes engaging with third party contractors, such as architects and construction firms, on design and planning for the redevelopment of Maesteg Community Hospital into an integrated health, care and wellbeing hub.
As outlined during our May event, an integrated health, care and wellbeing hub includes a range of clinical and other care services, potentially including a range of bed options, as well as on-site provision of local authority and third sector services, such as mental health services.
We will continue to update you on our progress, and we intend to host another event in mid-2024 to provide an opportunity for further discussion and for you to feedback your views. We take your views seriously, and incorporate these into our thinking where we can, including your thoughts and views from this January and May’s events.
By this next event, we should also have in-depth architectural designs for a redeveloped Maesteg Community Hospital and we’ll bring these along for you to see and to comment on.
We’ll liaise closely with local representatives and community groups on the best date for our next event to maximise attendance and to ensure that it is publicised as widely as possible.
Recent activities
Alongside engaging with third party contractors such as architects and construction firms, we’re actively working to further develop our thinking around Maesteg Community Hospital.
In line with our IRCF award, clinical activities at Maesteg Community Hospital forms part of the ongoing Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTM UHB) Acute Clinical Services development, which is determining the future of clinical services across CTM UHB.
In addition, there is a CTM UHB-wide review into community beds, covering a range of bed options, and Maesteg Community Hospital forms an active part of this conversation.
Finally, we are in ongoing conversations with other parties, such as Bridgend College and local mental health charities, about future wellbeing opportunities at Maesteg Community Hospital.
Have your say
With your help, we now have an extensive list of community groups for engaging – thank you! Please let us know if there other groups and organisations we should be engaging with as part of future engagement events so we can involve them in the conversation.
Further information
Should you have any queries, or requests for further information ahead of our next update, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
Dale Stolzenberg, Assistant Director for Transformation, Strategic and Operational Planning
Natasha Weeks, Head of Engagement and Involvement –
Next briefing date – February 2024
Thank you for your ongoing feedback and support with developing our community engagement plan for Maesteg Community Hospital.